Tutorshop Classes

Tutorshop Classes: a free and customizable learner management system for intelligent tutoring systems

Project Information

TutorShop is a learner management system for intelligent software tutors built with the Cognitive Tutor Authoring Tools. With these tutors, students learn by doing in a variety of domains: they solve challenging problems with step-by-step help and feedback from tutors.

Teachers can create class lists, assign work to an entire class or an individual student, and view reports of student progress.

Tutor authors can easily upload example-tracing tutors built with the Cognitive Tutor Authoring Tools. They can set up a realm within the site so that their tutors are kept separate from other tutors on the site. Each realm can have its own URL and customized front page. In the future we may support further customization of realms, for example the way they look.

TutorShop is free to use for any student or teacher. It is free to use for authors who use it for (non-commercial) research purposes. The site cannot freely be used for commercial purposes.
